Bad breath

Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation because of bad odour from your mouth? Halitosis or 

bad breath is the most common problem of adults but nowadays can be seen in children 


Do you know how halitosis or bad breath occurs? Let’s shed some light on the reasons and causes.

Halitosis generally occurs because of poor oral hygiene. Not brushing or flossing properly everyday leads to accumulation or food particles or debris on your tongue between the embrasures and in the gingival margins. The bacterial Flora present in your mouth then breakdown those food particles to release chemicals which give strong odor.

Other causes include dental ailments like caries or tooth decay, periodontal diseases like gingivitis periodontitis, mouth sores or ulcers and wounds from extraction site leads to halitosis.

Diet is another factor for halitosis. Having food which has garlic and onion can give a strong odour. Diets high in protein and sugar are also a reason behind bad breath.

Systemic ailments or bad health conditions lead to odour also. Like disturbance in your digestive system, sinusitis, nasal infections, throat or lung infection, chronic bronchitis can result in halitosis.

How to prevent bad breath or halitosis?

Knowing the cause for halitosis and intercepting it can be the first way to prevent it.

Caring for your mouth, keeping a good oral hygiene, brushing and flossing properly are the best ways to prevent bad breath.

Brush your tongue too, so that all the bacteria harbouring on it can be removed which can cause bad odour.

Using a good toothpaste, with a good amount of fluoride in it can help preventing caries and periodontal diseases which are also the reason for halitosis.

If you are a denture wearer, cleaning your denture everyday with water is a must and avoid wearing them at night.

If you have dry mouth, then try chewing some sugar-free candy to stimulate saliva in your mouth.

Above all, consult your dentist, to know the root cause for your problem. If its an oral cause then your dentist can help you to have a fresher breath. For that you can contact us at todays dental, our dentists are always ready to provide you the best treatment possible.

So book your appointment now! 

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