Experience excruciating pain in your tooth? Don’t worry, our dental clinic in Saluda Pointe, Lexington offers advanced Root Canal Treatment to alleviate your discomfort and restore your dental health. Let’s delve into what Root Canal Procedure entails and why it’s essential for addressing severe tooth damage.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment is a procedure aimed at repairing and saving severely damaged, decayed, infected, or cracked teeth. By removing the nerves, blood vessels, and pulp from the tooth’s interior or canal, we can effectively clean and eliminate the decayed and infected portions, followed by sealing the tooth for optimal results.

The Importance of Root Canal Procedure

Root Canal Procedure plays a crucial role in preserving your dental health. By addressing issues such as severe decay or infection, this procedure prevents further damage to the affected tooth and surrounding oral structures. It helps alleviate pain and discomfort while allowing you to regain the ability to eat and speak comfortably.

How much does a Root Canal Cost?

Affordable Root Canal Treatment in Saluda Pointe, Lexington : At our dental clinic in Saluda Pointe, Lexington, we understand the importance of affordable dental care. Our Root Canal Procedure is competitively priced, ranging from $800 to $1200. Rest assured, we prioritize your comfort and provide a less painful experience during the procedure.

The Necessity of Removing Infected Tooth Pulp

Infected or damaged tooth pulp creates an environment where bacteria multiply rapidly. This bacterial growth within the pulp can lead to infections and potentially result in an abscessed tooth. By removing the infected pulp during Root Canal Treatment, we effectively eliminate the source of the infection and prevent further complications.

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Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Contrary to common misconceptions, Root Canal Treatment is a relatively painless procedure. Our skilled dentists employ advanced techniques and utilize local anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the treatment process.

Procedure for Root Canal Treatment

  1. Access Opening: The initial step involves creating an access opening to the tooth canal, providing better visualization for our dentists. By carefully shaping and preparing the enamel, we locate the root orifices specific to each tooth.
  2. Working Length Determination: To accurately determine the working length, we utilize radiographic X-rays or files, essential instruments in Root Canal Procedure. This step allows us to calculate the precise length of the canal and ensure effective cleaning.
  3. Biomechanical Preparation (BMP): Through biomechanical preparation, we clean and shape the root canal using files or reamers. This process, accompanied by irrigating solutions, thoroughly removes infected pulp and prevents the spread of bacterial infections.
  4. Obturation: In the final step, known as obturation, we fill the prepared hollow canal space with Guttapercha cones. This sealing material supports the tooth and enables proper mastication, restoring functionality.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about Root Canal Treatment or schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact Dentist at Saluda Pointe. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the latest and most effective oral healthcare treatments. Book your appointment today and take a step towards a healthier smile.

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